E-mail Setup Guide - Apple Mail
Follow the steps below to set up a new e-mail account in Apple Mail.
Step 1
Open Apple Mail. In the menu in the top left corner of your screen, click Mail, then click Preferences....
Step 2
In the Preferences window that pops up, click the Accounts button at the top, then click the + button at the bottom of the accounts list on the left side of the window.
In the Choose a mail account to add... window that pops up, select the Add Other Mail Account... option at the bottom of the list, then click the Continue button.
Step 3
In the Add a Mail Account window that pops up, enter the following information:
- Full Name - Your name.
- Email Address - Your e-mail address.
- Password - Your e-mail password.
After you've made sure the information you've entered is correct, click the Create button at the bottom.
A message which reads Account must be manually configured will appear at the bottom of the window. Click the Next button to continue.
Step 4
On the Incoming Mail Server Info screen, select IMAP as the Account Type, and then enter the following information in the text fields:
- Mail Server - vps01.bhtech.ca
- User Name - Your e-mail address.
- Password - Your e-mail password.
After you've made sure the information you've entered is correct, click the Next button.
Step 5
On the Outgoing Mail Server Info screen, enter the following information in the text fields:
- SMTP Server - vps01.bhtech.ca
- User Name - Your e-mail address.
- Password - Your e-mail password.
Then click the Create button, and you're done!